What to Eat during Pandemic Situation Globally


With taking over 190,000 individuals showing positive signs and many unwanted lives in its grasp, the new coronavirus has shifted the world’s attention towards itself. It is important to take care of what to eat during this ongoing pandemic situation.

In the pandemic of this new virus, COVID-19 many health regulations are being made and suggested every day. These precautions are aimed for those who still are out of the bound of the attack. 

The main aim is to stay alive and healthy. Because in this spread, millions are forced to tackle the food-security issue.

To do so, you need a balanced and healthy diet. But the main question arises: What to eat in this situation and what to avoid?

To help you out, we have made a list of items that you should take regularly to avoid any fatal situation from the spread.


Water is one of the most important intakes that every person should consider. People around the world are advised to drink lots of water daily.

Women are advised to drink 2.5 Litres of water every day, both working and housemaker. For men, 3.5 Litres of water are advised to keep themselves healthy and hydrated.

Vitamin A

Vitamin  A is a vital source of energy for skin, respiratory tract, and gut. All these three add up to the first defense barrier.

The most important aspect of Vitamin A is the production of antibodies that fight against infection creating pathogens.

For the regular intake of it, you can add oily fish, egg yolks, nuts, tofu, cheese, whole grain, orange vegetables like carrot & pumpkin and legumes to your diet.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B includes three major vitamins: B 6, B9 and B12. And all of them ensure the production of “Natural Killer” cells once the pathogen enters. And you don’t want to lower down their percentage.

For B6, individuals can have cereals, green leafy vegetables, fruit, and fish. For B9, try eating items made from bread-making flour such as sweet or brown bread. And for B12, you can add dairy products in your diets such as fortified soy milk and eggs.

Vitamins C and E

Whenever a body fights against infection, it leads to fighting against in-built “Oxidative Stress”. This stress leads to the formation of free radicals, resulting in cell wall breakage and increase inflammation.

And to prevent these conditions, vitamin C and vitamin E are present. For regular vitamin C intake, take fruits like lemon, likes, berries ( dark blue ones are best), kiwifruit, broccoli, tomatoes, and capsicum. As for vitamin E, try consuming vegetable oils on the pause of 2-3 days. 

Vitamin D

Our body parts require some special immune cells to fight pathogens and infecting viruses. Although, the basic and most abundant vitamin D source is the sunlight.

For this, take a regular walk in the sunlight for proper intake. Additionally, you can take eggs, fish and dairy products that are rich in vitamin D.

Iron, Zinc, and Selenium

Iron, zinc, and selenium are necessary to build immune cells and maintain their growth. In our body, iron produces strong free radicals to help the body fight against bacterias.

Also, iron regulates enzyme reactions which are essential for immune cells to recognize and tackle pathogens. Zinc and selenium help to repair skin cells and mucous membranes. 

For iron intake, you can choose whole grain and iron-fortified breakfast cereals. On the other hand, Zinc is found in oysters and seafood. And dried beans, nuts, specifically ‘Brazil Nuts’ and mushrooms are good sources for selenium for your body.

The above-mentioned amenities can and should be taken according to your personal account and requirements.

We know that many supermarkets are being regularly stocked out due to the spread. For major conditions, take medical help.

We advise you to take every possible measure, including these, to safeguard yourself and your loved ones. Stay immune, safe and aware!


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