What Happens to Social Media Accounts After One Dies- Know All About Digital Will

Here's what happens to a Google or Facebook account after the owners death


Today, everyone has social media accounts, and those with smartphones also have Google accounts. Through these Google accounts, we send various things to people. But have you ever thought about what happens to the digital data (digital accounts) of those who bid farewell to this world forever? What do social media companies do with people’s data after they pass away? Many people typically save their bank account information in their Google accounts, but what happens to this information when they are no longer around? This report will answer all these questions.

What Happens to Social Media Accounts After One Dies- Know All About Digital Will

What happens to a Google account after someone dies?


Google or any other company does not have a tool to immediately obtain information about someone’s death. If a Google account remains inactive for a long time, meaning services like Google Maps, Gmail, Google Drive, Search, etc., have not been used, Google categorizes such accounts as inactive. Google assumes that the owner of such an account is no longer in this world. However, Google also provides an option that after someone’s death, their digital data such as Gmail will be accessible.

Google has a feature through which you can decide who will manage your data after your death, including access to Gmail and other services. You can access this feature at myaccount.google.com/inactive. You can set a maximum duration of 18 months, meaning if your account remains inactive for this period, the person you shared your password with via myaccount.google.com/inactive will be able to access your account.

To use this feature, you need to enter the email ID, phone number, etc., of the person whom you want to designate to manage your account after you pass away. Google also provides an option to add up to 10 contacts as part of your digital legacy.

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What happens to a Facebook account after someone dies?

Facebook also has a feature similar to this, called ‘legacy contact.’ Through this feature, you can designate a family member or friend to manage your Facebook account as an inheritance. The person you select will be able to manage your Facebook account after you are no longer here, handling tasks such as updating profile pictures, cover photos, and responding to friend requests. However, this person will not be able to read your private messages.


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