Upadhyaksha is an upcoming Kannada comedy drama movie directed by Chandra Mohan. Co-written by K.L. Rajshekar, this movie features Veena Sundar and Chikkanna in the lead roles, along with P. Ravi Shankar, Sadhu Kokila, Malaika Vasupal and many others in the supporting roles. The movie is produced by Smitha Umapathy and Nirmala Srinivas under the banner of Umapathy Films and DN Cinemas. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Upadhyaksha movie release date, cast, plot, teaser, trailer and more.
Upadhyaksha Movie Release Date
The much awaited Kannada comedy drama movie Upadhyaksha, starring Veena Sundar and Chikkanna is all set to release in cinema halls on November 10, 2023.
Upadhyaksha Movie Cast
- Veena Sundar
- Chikkanna
- P. Ravi Shankar
- Sadhu Kokila
- Malaika Vasupal
Upadhyaksha Movie Plot
The plot of Upadhyaksha movie revolves around Narayana, who leads life on his terms. The story takes place in a small village in Mandya and then travels to places like Darjeeling and Munnar.
Upadhyaksha Movie Teaser
The official teaser of Upadhyaksha movie was released by Anand Audio on their official YouTube channel.
Upadhyaksha Movie Trailer
The official trailer of Upadhyaksha movie will be soon released by Anand Audio on their official YouTube channel.
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Upadhyaksha Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Upadhyaksha movie?
A. Upadhyaksha movie will be released on 10th November 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Upadhyaksha movie?
A. Upadhyaksha movie is directed by Chandra Mohan.
Q. Who are the producers of Upadhyaksha movie?
A. Upadhyaksha movie is produced by Smitha Umapathy and Nirmala Srinivas.
Q. Who are the writers of Upadhyaksha movie?
A. Upadhyaksha movie is written by Chandra Mohan and K.L. Rajshekar.