Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar is expected to earn around Rs 6-7 Crores at the box office on day 7 in India. The film starring Ranbir Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor, Anubhav Singh Bassi, Dimple Kapadia and Boney Kapoor was released in the theatres on 8th March on the festival of Holi. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the box office collection day 7 of Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar.
Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar Box Office Collection Day 7
Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar box office collection day 7 is estimated to be around Rs 6-7 Crores. The film directed by Luv Ranjan is receiving positive reviews and it is certainly going to help the box office collection of Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar in the upcoming days. The seventh day box office collection of Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar is a good news for the Hindi film industry.
Also read: Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar OTT Release Date, OTT Platform
Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar is a romantic comedy which also features a cameo from Kartik Aaryan. The film is expected to cross its box office collection of day 7 of Rs 6-7 Crores on its fifth day at the box office.