Top Effective Strategies to Prevent Heart Disease

Here's how to prevent a heart attack


Heart disease or heart attacks are no longer just a problem for the elderly; younger people are increasingly falling victim to it. In recent years, there have been rising cases of heart attacks reported among those under 30. Health experts say that due to lifestyle and dietary disturbances, there is a negative impact on heart health, and the risks have been further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Doctors say that everyone needs to take special precautions regarding heart health. Continuous efforts are essential to prevent heart diseases and heart attacks. It is advised that all people, from a young age, should be cautious about this issue.

Top Effective Strategies to Prevent Heart Disease

Let’s look at the strategies that doctors consider effective in preventing this deadly problem.

1. Do Not Smoke

Doctors say that to prevent heart problems, especially heart attacks, the most important step is to completely avoid smoking. Even if you do not smoke, avoid secondhand smoking. The chemicals in tobacco damage the heart and blood vessels. Cigarette smoke reduces the oxygen in the blood, which can increase blood pressure and heart rate.

Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of these problems. If you smoke, deciding to quit now can significantly lower the risk of this deadly issue.

2. Be Physically Active

Regular daily physical activity can reduce the risk of heart disease. Physical activity also helps control your weight. It is also helpful in reducing the risk of problems that put pressure on the heart, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type-2 diabetes.

Make it a habit to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, per week. Many yoga poses also improve the strength of heart muscles.

3. Follow Healthy Diet

A healthy diet not only protects the heart but also helps improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes. To keep the heart healthy, consume plenty of green vegetables and fruits, along with lean meats and fish, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, and healthy fats such as olive oil.

Paying attention to the nutritional quality of your diet can be beneficial in reducing heart problems.

Also read: 7 Health Tips for Monsoon Weather to Avoid Getting Sick

4. Regularly Check Blood Pressure

Doctors say that high blood pressure is one of the major factors contributing to heart disease and heart attacks. By taking measures to control it, the risk of heart attacks can be reduced. Regularly check your blood pressure, and if it is often high, consult a doctor.

Additionally, getting adequate sleep is very important. Good sleep helps reduce the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, heart attacks, diabetes, and depression. Everyone should get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night.


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