Things You Must Keep in Mind before Buying a Health Insurance Policy in 2024

While buying any health insurance policy, make sure you keep these things in mind.


In today’s time, health insurance policy has become very important for everyone. The number of people taking it has increased since the Corona epidemic. The cost of treatment is increasing continuously. Insurance is very useful for any common citizen while getting expensive treatment. But the question arises that which policy will be best for us. What things should be kept in mind while buying a policy?

Things You Must Keep in Mind before Buying a Health Insurance Policy in 2024

Things to keep in mind while buying a health insurance policy

What expenses does the policy cover?

While buying any health insurance policy, keep in mind which expenses your policy covers. Like boarding expenses, policy room, surgeon, nursing expenses, specialist fees, anesthetist, anesthesia, consultant, physician, blood requirement, operation theatre charges, medicines, drugs, dialysis, chemotherapy, surgical devices, there are many such expenses which you should include in your policy according to your need.


How much is the insurance amount and what is the bonus?

You can take health insurance for yourself or for the whole family. In such a situation, many Ciba companies offer health insurance policies with cumulative bonus. Along with this, attention will also have to be paid to when the premium amount will increase.

Is the cost of hospital stay and cost of health checkup in the policy included?

In many health insurance policies, the cost of checkup is also refunded. Read the policy carefully according to your health. Along with this, how many hours is it necessary to stay in the hospital according to the terms of the policy. Read this carefully too. Many sudden injuries and some therapies are not included in many policies.

Also Read: Big Announcement Regarding Health Insurance can be made in Budget 2024; Benefits will Increase under Section 80D

Which hospitals will be included?

Many insurance companies are connected to the country’s hospital network. Due to which if the policyholder gets treatment in any hospital of the network, he can get more benefits. There is no need to submit bills separately in the hospitals with which insurance companies are connected. Insurance companies make the payment through third party administrator.

Are serious diseases included or not?

Serious diseases are not included in many insurance policies. Therefore, if you want to take a policy for any serious disease, then first get information about which diseases are covered in your policy.

Other benefits?

While taking a health insurance policy, it should also be kept in mind whether your policy is providing additional benefits, whether the benefit will be available in the form of add-on or rider or not. Many times, a separate add-on is required in the policy to include the cost of hospitalization.


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