The Last Rifleman is an upcoming drama movie written by Kevin Fitzpatrick and directed by Terry Loane. This movie based on real events, features Pierce Brosnan in the lead roles. The movie is produced by Katy Jackson, John Leslie and Kevin Jackson under the banner of Wee Buns Films, Ripple World Pictures, Ingenious Media, Sky Cinema and Singer Studios. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about The Last Rifleman release date, cast, crew, storyline and more.
The Last Rifleman Movie Release Date
Clémence Poésy and Pierce Brosnan’s upcoming drama movie, The Last Rifleman is all set to release worldwide on November 5, 2023.
The Last Rifleman Movie Cast
- Clémence Poésy as Juliette
- Pierce Brosnan as Artie Crawford
- John Amos as Lincoln Adams
- Claire Rafferty as Vicky
- Desmond Eastwood as Tony McCann
- Sarah Naudi as Dr. Marceau
- Maggie Cronin as Maggie Crawford
- Steve Gunn as Dublin Bus Driver
- Geraldine McAlinden as Olive Buckley
- James Keating as Young Artie Crawford
- Stella McCusker as Maggie
- Céleste Kergall as Sophie
- Ewens Abid as Raphaël Dubois
- Kandy Rohmann as Melanie
- Jonny Everett as Captain
- Cliodhna McCorley as Rosslare Check-in Attendant
- Chris McCurry as Laundry Van Driver
The Last Rifleman Movie Crew
The crew of The Last Rifleman movie includes Terry Loane as the director and Kevin Fitzpatrick as the writer. The movie is produced by Katy Jackson, John Leslie and Kevin Jackson. Mark McCauley is responsible for the cinematography, while John Walters handles the editing.
Stephen Warbeck is in charge of the music. The production companies involved in the movie are Wee Buns Films, Ripple World Pictures, Ingenious Media and Singer Studios. The Last Rifleman scheduled to release on November 5th, 2023 is distributed by Sky Cinema.
The Last Rifleman Movie Storyline
The storyline of The Last Rifleman movie follows Artie Crawford, a Northern Irish World War II veteran who, on the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, decides to secretly escape his care home and embarks on an arduous but inspirational journey through Ireland and across to France, to pay his final respects to his best friend and find the courage to face the ghosts of his past.
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The Last Rifleman Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of The Last Rifleman movie?
A. The Last Rifleman movie will be released on 5th November 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of The Last Rifleman movie?
A. The Last Rifleman movie is directed by Terry Loane.
Q. Who are the producers of The Last Rifleman movie?
A. The Last Rifleman movie is produced by Katy Jackson, John Leslie, and Kevin Jackson.
Q. Who are the writers of The Last Rifleman movie?
A. The Last Rifleman movie is written by Kevin Fitzpatrick.