Tatsama Tadbhava is an upcoming Kannada crime thriller movie written and directed by Vishal Atreya. The movie features Meghana Raj and Prajwal Devaraj in the lead roles, while Girija Lokesh, Aravinnd Iyer, Mahathi Vaishnavi Bhat and Varun Srinivas in the supporting roles. The movie is produced by Pannaga Bharana under the banner of Anvit Cinemas and PB Studios. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Tatsama Tadbhava release date, cast, plot, teaser, trailer and more.
Tatsama Tadbhava Release Date
The much awaited Kannada crime thriller movie Tatsama Tadbhava, starring Meghana Raj and Prajwal Devaraj is all set to release in cinema halls on September 15, 2023.
Tatsama Tadbhava Cast
- Meghana Raj
- Prajwal Devaraj
- T.S. Nagabharana
- Prashanth Natana
- Girija Lokesh
- Aravinnd Iyer
- Mahathi Vaishnavi Bhat
- Varun Srinivas
- Rajshri Ponnappa
Tatsama Tadbhava Plot
The plot of Tatsama Tadbhava movie revolves around a seasoned police inspector delves into a perplexing missing person’s investigation that reveals a web of secrets, lies, and mystery.
Tatsama Tadbhava Teaser
The official teaser of Tatsama Tadbhava movie was released by Betel Music on their official YouTube channel.
Tatsama Tadbhava Trailer
The official trailer of Tatsama Tadbhava movie was released by Betel Music on their official YouTube channel.
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Tatsama Tadbhava FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Tatsama Tadbhava movie?
A. Tatsama Tadbhava movie will be released on 15th September 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Tatsama Tadbhava movie?
A. Tatsama Tadbhava movie is directed by Vishal Atreya.
Q. Who is the producer of Tatsama Tadbhava movie?
A. Tatsama Tadbhava movie is produced by Pannaga Bharana.
Q. Who is the writer of Tatsama Tadbhava movie?
A. Tatsama Tadbhava movie is written by Vishal Atreya.