Subhedar is a Marathi historical drama movie written and directed by Digpal Lanjekar. The movie features Chinmay Mandlekar, Mrinal Kulkarni and Ajay Purkar in the lead roles. The movie revolves around Subhedar Tanaji Malusare. The production companies behind making this movie are Mulakshar Productions, Raajwarasa Productions, Prithviraj Productions, Rajau Productions and Parampara Productions. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the sixth day box office collection of Subhedar and its budget.
Subhedar Box Office Collection Day 6
Subhedar will earn around Rs 1 Crore at the box office on day 6. The plot of Subhedar movie revolves around Subhedar Tanaji Malusare. The story begins when Subhedar Tanaji Malusare leaves Raiba’s marriage and first goes to battle to conquer Kondhana fort and fights like a lion, after conquering the fort the fort is named Sinhagad.
Also read: Subhedar Marathi Movie Review: The Epic Saga of Tanhaji Malusare
Subhedar Marathi Movie Budget
Subhedar is estimated to be made on a budget of around Rs 10 Crores. It is a high budget film in the Marathi film industry.
Subhedar Cast
- Chinmay Mandlekar as Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
- Mrinal Kulkarni as Jijau
- Ajay Purkar as Tanaji Malusare
- Sameer Dharmadhikari as Shelar Mama
- Smita Shewale as Savitri Malusare