Spring Lakes is an upcoming horror drama movie written and directed by Ranjeet S. Marwa. This movie features Carl Wharton, James Jaysen Bryhan and Oris Erhuero in the lead roles. The movie is produced under the banner of Silent D Pictures and Rocket Sky High Motion Pictures. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Spring Lakes release date, cast, crew, story and more.
Spring Lakes Movie Release Date
Carl Wharton, James Jaysen Bryhan and Oris Erhuero’s upcoming horror drama movie, Spring Lakes is all set to release worldwide on January 16, 2024.
Spring Lakes Movie Cast
- Carl Wharton as Joe Murray
- James Jaysen Bryhan as Marcus Wright
- Oris Erhuero as Michael Wright
- Tommaso Di Vincenzo as Mannequin
- Djonny Chen as Occult Member
- Samantha Loxley as Shiela Wright
- Ranjeet S. Marwa as Occult Member
- Nisaro Karim as Ramsey of the Occult
- Richard Teasdale as Grandad
- Jason Adam as Riley McNeal
- Kavita Kumari as Rangda the Woman in Black
- Warren Lee Hicks as Caleb Glowazki
- David Lamont as Father Gerald
- Johan van Vuuren as Occult Member
- Jordan Hale as Barry Holden
- Cody Buxton Jones as Hailey Lazarus
- Stephen Hammon as Homeless Man
- Christine Le Blond as Occult Member
Spring Lakes Movie Crew
The crew of Spring Lakes movie includes Ranjeet S. Marwa as the director and editor. The movie is produced by Warren Lee Hicks, Gurnam Marwa and Barry Nash. The production company involved in the movie is Silent D Pictures and Rocket Sky High Motion Pictures. Jack Ayers and Dominic Ellis is responsible for the cinematography, while the editing is handled by Charmaine Binji. Ranjeet S. Marwa also serves as the co-writers of the movie along with Charmaine Binji and David Lamont.
Spring Lakes Movie Story
The story of Spring Lakes movie unfolds when Marcus, a down and out struggling filmmaker goes on a search for his missing sister in Spring Lakes, he encounters strange and mysterious occurrences in the form of a Satanic Cult. Marcus must find his sister before, he too, becomes engulfed by the living forest and suffers the same fate as his sister, Shiela.
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Spring Lakes Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Spring Lakes movie?
A. Spring Lakes movie will be released on 16th January 2024 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Spring Lakes movie?
A. Spring Lakes movie is directed by Ranjeet S. Marwa.
Q. Who are the producers of Spring Lakes movie?
A. Spring Lakes movie is produced by Warren Lee Hicks, Gurnam Marwa and Barry Nash.
Q. Who are the writers of Spring Lakes movie?
A. Spring Lakes movie is written by Ranjeet S. Marwa, Charmaine Binji and David Lamont.