Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant that protects our cells from free radicals. These free radicals are chemicals formed when our body breaks down food or is exposed to tobacco smoke, radiation from the sun, X-rays, or other causes. Heart disease, cancer, and other disorders may all be linked to free radicals. are there any Side Effects of Vitamin C?
6 Side Effects of Vitamin C, which can be harmful for your body
Over dose of vitamin C is hazardous for you. It can induce diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, and stomach cramps, among other things. If you have hemochromatosis, a disorder in which iron deposits in numerous organs of the body, eating too much vitamin C can make things worse.
1. Nausea
Nausea is one of the side effects of Vitamin C if not taken in appropriate proportion. However, it causes a tendency to vomit. Moreover, a feeling of sickness from the stomach. Nausea affects practically everyone at some point in their lives due to its wide range of reasons.
2. Side or Lower Back Pain
Too much of Vitamin C intake may lead to side or lower back pain. However, these side effects of Vitamin C do not require an urgent medical attention and can be relieved by reducing the Vitamin C intake.
3. Heartburn
When stomach acid comes into touch with the lining of the oesophagus, it causes irritation, burning, pain, and a range of other symptoms. This can also be one of the side effects of Vitamin C if not taken under recommended proportion. This requires immediate medical attention.
4. Diarrhea
Extreme doses are defined as those exceeding 2,000 mg. Severe diarrhoea and kidney stones are possible side effects of these doses. It is a frequent condition that can appear unexpectedly or develop over time. Food poisoning, infections, food allergies or intolerances, and medication are all possible causes of diarrhoea. There are also some chronic diarrhoea diseases that run in families or, in rare cases, have a genetic foundation.
5. Kidney Stones
Taking high dosages of vitamin C supplements on a regular basis, such as 500 mg or more per day, has been demonstrated to raise the risk of kidney stones in some persons. This is especially true for persons who have previously had calcium oxalate stones or have a family history of them.
6. Stomach Cramps
For all people, the maximum suggested dose, or upper limit, is 2,000mg per day. Taking more vitamin C than the recommended amount isn’t dangerous, but it can cause adverse effects including abdominal pain. cramps.
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