Sam Bahadur is a biographical war drama film in Hindi. The movie is centred on the life of India’s inaugural field marshal, Sam Manekshaw. Meghna Gulzar directs the film, having collaborated on the screenplay with Bhavani Iyer and Shantanu Srivastava. Produced by Ronnie Screwvala under the RSVP Movies banner, the film features Vicky Kaushal in the lead role, supported by a cast including Fatima Sana Shaikh, Sanya Malhotra, Neeraj Kabi, Edward Sonnenblick, and Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub. This article covers everything about the second day box office collection of Sam Bahadur and its budget.
Sam Bahadur Box Office Collection Day 2
Sam Bahadur is expected to earn around Rs 9 Crore at the box office on day 2. The film is clashing at the box office with Ranbir Kapoor starrer Animal and is going to have a tough time at the box office. Animal is getting rave reviews, while Sam Bahadur has got mixed reviews from critics and viewers alike. Sam Bahadur is set against the backdrop of the 1971 Indo-Pakistan War in which Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw led the Indian Army from the front, leading to Bangladesh’s liberation.
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Sam Bahadur Budget
Sam Bahadur is made on a budget of just Rs 55 Crores. The film is a mid-budget Hindi film and is expected to go past its cost at the box office in about 7-8 days. In addition to Vicky Kaushal in the titular role, the film features Fatima Sana Shaikh as Mrs Indira Gandhi and Sanya Malhotra Siloo.