Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was reportedly stabbed six times during a burglary attempt at his Bandra residence, where he lives with his wife Kareena Kapoor and their children, Taimur and Jeh. The incident occurred around 2:30 AM on January 16, as per police sources.
The actor’s public relations team issued a statement, saying, “There was an attempted robbery at Saif Ali Khan’s home. He is currently in the hospital undergoing surgery.”
Medical Update
Dr. Niraj Uttamani, COO of Lilavati Hospital, revealed that Khan sustained six stab wounds, with two being particularly deep. One of these is near his spine, necessitating a delicate operation led by neurosurgeon Dr. Nitin Dange, along with cosmetic surgeon Dr. Leena Jain and anaesthesiologist Dr. Nisha Gandhi.
“The surgery is ongoing. Saif has sustained six injuries—two minor, two moderate, and two severe. One deep wound on his back is dangerously close to the spine, while another deep cut on his left wrist requires reconstructive surgery,” Dr. Uttamani explained.
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Police Investigation
According to the Mumbai Police Crime Branch, the intruder first confronted Khan’s maid before the actor stepped in to resolve the situation. The confrontation escalated, leading to a physical altercation in which Saif was injured.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Dixit Gedam confirmed, “The actor intervened during the burglary attempt and was injured during the scuffle. An investigation is underway to identify and apprehend the assailant.”
Support from Bollywood
The film fraternity expressed shock and concern over the attack. Actor Jr NTR, who recently worked with Saif in the Telugu blockbuster Devara, shared on social media, “Shocked to hear about the attack on Saif sir. Praying for his speedy recovery.”
Veteran actor Chiranjeevi also expressed his distress, stating, “Deeply disturbed by the news. Wishing him a quick recovery.”
Actor and BJP MP Ravi Kishan, who co-starred with Saif in Agent Vinod and Bullet Raja, called the incident “saddening.”
Upcoming Projects
Saif Ali Khan is slated to appear in the heist thriller Jewel Thief – The Red Sun Chapter, directed by Robbie Grewal. The film, which also stars Jaideep Ahlawat, marks Grewal’s first collaboration with Saif. The plot reportedly revolves around a gripping clash between Saif and Jaideep’s characters.
As fans and the industry await updates on Saif’s condition, prayers and well-wishes for his recovery continue to pour in.