Ravanasura earned around Rs 3.5 Crores at the box office on day 2 in India. The Telugu film stars Ravi Teja in the lead role. It is being touted as an interesting and unique crime thriller. The movie is directed by Sudheer Varma, and the story for the same is written by Srikanth Visaa. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the second day box office collection of Ravanasura and its budget.
Ravanasura Box Office Collection Day 2 and Budget
Ravanasura earned about Rs 3.5 Crores at the box office on day 2 in India. The second day worldwide box office collection of Ravanasura could be around Rs 10-20 Lakhs. This implies that the total box office collection of the film on the first day is around Rs 3.7 Crores. It was among the most highly awaited Telugu movies of 2023, and the concept behind the film has made the buzz grow even stronger.
Also read: Ravanasura Movie Review: Ravi Teja Starrer is a Great Psychological Thriller
Ravanasura follows a police investigation into a series of murders. All evidence points toward aun eccentric lawyer who is not what he really seems. If the film gets good reviews then Ravanasura can actually turn out to be a huge success at the box office in the upcoming days.
Ravanasura Budget
Ravi Teja starrer Ravanasura is reportedly made on a budget of Rs 50 Crores. It is a mid-budget action thriller.