The long-awaited season 3 of Panchayat web series was premiered on 28th May 2024 on Amazon Prime Video’s OTT platform. The third season is written by Chandan Kumar and directed by Deepak Kumar Mishra. The series features Jitendra Kumar, Neena Gupta, Raghubir Yadav, Biswapati Sarkar, Faisal Malik and Chandan Roy in lead roles. After the release of the Panchayat season 3, find out how much fees its cast has received.
Jitendra Kumar’s Salary
Jitendra Kumar, who plays the role of Sachiv Ji i.e. Abhishek Tripathi in this series has been given a fee of INR 70 thousand per episode.
Raghubir Yadav’s Salary
Raghubir Yadav, who plays the role of Pradhan Ji aka Brij Bhushan Dubey. This time he has been given INR 40 thousand per episode for this role.
Neena Gupta’s Salary
Neena Gupta, who plays the role of Pradhan Ji of Phulera, playing the character of Manju Devi. For Panchayat season 3, she has been given INR 50 thousand for each episode.
Chandan Roy’s Salary
Chandan Roy, i.e. Vikas Ji, who appears as the assistant of the Gram Panchayat in Panchayat 3, has been given a fee of INR 20 thousand for each episode.
Faisal Malik’s Salary
Faisal Malik, who plays the role of Deputy Pradhan, people fondly call him Prahlad Cha in the series. Faisal has been given a fee of INR 20 thousand per episode.
There is great news for all the Panchayat fans as the makers have confirmed that the work on season 4 has already been started and the director of Panchayat mentioned the series will have five seasons.