OMG 2 is a satirical comedy-drama movie in Hindi released in 2023, written and directed by Amit Rai. Serving as a spiritual follow-up to “OMG – Oh My God!” from 2012, the film features Akshay Kumar, Pankaj Tripathi, and Yami Gautam in leading roles. The storyline centers around the theme of sexual education in Indian schools. The film had its theatrical premiere on August 11, 2023. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the day 19 box office collection of OMG 2 in detail.
OMG 2 Box Office Collection Day 19 and Budget
OMG 2 is expected to earn around Rs 2 Crores at the box office on day 19. The film starring Akshay Kumar, Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam has received positive reviews and is expected to grow in box office in the upcoming days.
However, the film has received an A rating which will definitely affect the box office collection of OMG 2.
Also read: OMG 2 Movie Review: A Perfect Blend of Satire, Drama and Spirituality
OMG 2 is made on a budget of Rs 60 Crores. The positive reviews for the film guarantees that it will be a box office success. The day 19 box office collection of Rs 2 Crores for OMG 2 is a good sign.