Oddity is an upcoming horror thriller movie written and directed by Damian Mc Carthy. Starring Gwilym Lee, Carolyn Bracken, Tadhg Murphy, Caroline Menton, Jonathan French and Joe Rooney, this movie is produced under the banner of Keeper Pictures, Nowhere and Shudder. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Oddity movie release date, cast, crew, story and more.
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Oddity Movie Release Date
Gwilym Lee and Carolyn Bracken’s upcoming horror thriller movie, Oddity is all set to release worldwide on July 19, 2024. The movie is scheduled to be released by IFC Films.
Oddity Movie Cast
- Gwilym Lee as Ted Timmis
- Carolyn Bracken as Darcy
- Tadhg Murphy as Olin Boole
- Caroline Menton as Yana
- Steve Wall as Ivan
- Johnny French as Declan Barrett
- Josuha Campbell as Patient
- Robert Collender as Ivan Double
- Austin Lawlor as Patient
- Eileen McCarthy as Cleaner
- Pete McCarthy as Olin Boole Double
- Peter McCarthy as Patient
- Fiach McHugh as Patient
- Chris Mudrack as Orderly
- Patrick Mullins as Patient
Oddity Movie Crew
The crew of Oddity movie includes Damian Mc Carthy as the director. The movie is produced by Katie Holly, Laura Tunstall and Evan Horan. The production companies involved in the movie are Keeper Pictures, Nowhere and Shudder, while the movie is distributed by IFC Films. Colm Hogan has done the cinematography, while Brian Philip Davis has handled the editing and Richard G. Mitchell has given the music for the movie. Damian Mc Carthy also serves as the writer of this movie.
Oddity Movie Story
The story of Oddity movie revolves around a blind medium and curio shopkeeper who is still grieving the death of her twin sister a year prior. A wooden mannequin from her cabinet of curiosities becomes crucial to her quest to uncover the truth about her sister’s murder.
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Oddity Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of Oddity movie?
Oddity movie will be released on 19th July 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who is the director of Oddity movie?
Oddity movie is directed by Damian Mc Carthy.
3- Who are the producers of Oddity movie?
Oddity movie is produced by Katie Holly, Laura Tunstall and Evan Horan.
4- Who is the writer of Oddity movie?
Oddity movie is written by Damian Mc Carthy.