On Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi shouted welcome in six Indian languages as he introduced the symbol for India’s G20 chairmanship, based on the lotus flower, as well as the motto, universality, and the webpage, g20.in.

Both the goddesses of wisdom and fortune are seated on a lotus in Indian culture, he remarked, alluding to the Hindu gods Saraswati and Lakshmi.
According to him, the seven wings of the lotus in the emblem reflect the seven continents. He noted that it links in with the notion of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, or ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Words:
On December 1, India will take over the group’s chairmanship from the current chair Indonesia, and will organize the summit and many activities in the run-up.
“The events will not be restricted to Delhi or specific cities.” “Programs would be shown in every corner of the country,” Prime Minister Modi stated. “Every state has its own culture and charm,” he continued, using the Rajasthani greeting “padharo mhare des” in the process.
“Gujarat’s affectionate greeting is tamaru swagat chhe in Kerala, and this affection is ‘ellaavarkkum swagatham’ in Malayalam “Madhya Pradesh responds, ‘Aap ka swagat hai,'” he said, using lines in Bengali and Tamil as well.
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He marketed Uttar Pradesh and Himachal as “worth visiting in all months,” with Uttarakhand being “just heaven.” “The world is amazed by this richness,” he remarked.
The G20 includes the world’s biggest established and emerging nations, ranging from Argentine and Brazilian to Canada and Australia as well as China, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union.
PM Modi remarked that the G20 accounts for 85% of the global GDP and almost two-thirds of the worldwide people. “India will have approximately 200 meetings in 32 various sectors throughout India,” the Ministry of External Affairs previously stated in a press. PM Modi also cited India’s success as an inspiration to the rest of the globe, amid many invaders and hurdles over thousands of years.
About the Logo for the G20 presidency:

Concerning the logo, he stated that the administration solicited public input: “I was pleased to learn that we received hundreds of unique proposals.” Today, such concepts constitute the face of the G20.
“India’s president comes at a time when the globe is in crisis and instability. “The lotus blossoms no matter what,” he continued, referencing Gautam Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi’s peaceful paths as examples worth pursuing.
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