My Daemon is an anime-infused blend of fantasy and science fiction, crafted by Thai-based Igloo Studio exclusively for Netflix. Under the direction of Nat Yoswatananont, the series is poised for release on November 23, 2023. This eagerly awaited production promises to transport audiences into a world where Earth collides with Hell, setting the stage for a thrilling and visually captivating experience. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the Season 2 of My Daemon.
My Daemon Season 2 Release Date on Netflix
My Daemon Season 2 is expected to be released in August 2024 on Netflix. However, Netflix is yet to announce the renewal of the web series and the release date provided here is purely speculative.
Also read: My Daemon Netflix Anime Review: Adventurous, Mysterious and Heartwarming
My Daemon Season 2 Voice Cast
- Kento Tachibana (voiced by Miyuri Shimabukuro) is a young elementary student, and main protagonist, who finds Anna and raises her
- Anna (voiced by Cocoro Kikuchi) is a small demon creature who was found by Kento after wondering aimlessly in the forest
My Daemon Season 2 Plot
In a not-so-distant future, where a nuclear explosion has driven Earth to an unholy collision with Hell, young student Kento discovers a diminutive daemon companion named Anna. Together, they navigate a post-apocalyptic world, embarking on a compelling quest to save Kento’s mother. The series unfolds as a riveting tale of adventure, resilience, and the extraordinary bond between a boy and his otherworldly companion.
My Daemon Season 2 FAQs
1- When will My Daemon Season 2 release on Netflix?
My Daemon Season 2 is expected to be released in August 2024 on Netflix.