Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor have finally tied the knot at Ranbir Kapoor’s home Vastu in Bandra, Mumbai. The couple had a wedding with only their families and a few close friends.
And it is expected that they will move into the Krishna Raj Bungalow very soon. Now, this bungalow is going under construction and is situated in the Pali Hills, in Mumbai.
Moreover, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are two of the most successful stars in the industry. And despite having strong backgrounds, they have left a mark because of their work as well.
Most Expensive Things Owned by Alia Bhatt And Ranbir Kapoor
Ranbir’s Mumbai Apartment Worth Rs 35 Crores
Ranbir Kapoor owns a luxurious apartment in Bandra, Mumbai. And the actor bought this apartment for Rs 35 crores.
Moreover, this apartment is situated at Vast in Pali Hill. And did you know who designed this house? The house was designed by Gauri Khan, who chose a very minimal pastel color for Ranbir’s house.
Alia’s Apartment Worth Rs 32 Crores
Alia Bhatt also owns an apartment in Vastu, Bandra. And this apartment is worth Rs 32 crores.
And if you haven’t already guessed, Alia Bhatt lives on the 5th floor, while Ranbir has an apartment on the 7th floor here.
Ranbir Kapoor’s Expensive Sneakers Collection
If you are a Ranbir fan or a sneakers lover, you will know about Ranbir’s sneaker collection. This collection is one of the most expensive sneakers collection there is.
Some of the most expensive sneakers that Ranbir owns are Nike X Off White sneakers that cost around Rs 2 Lakhs and 74 thousand. Another one is Nike AirMax 1 Atmos which costs Rs 81,823.
Alia’s Workplace With An Excellent Interior
Did you know that Alia Bhatt started her production called Eternal Sunshine Production in 2020? Well, her office place is also one of her most expensive belongings.
The interior of her office alone cost Rs 2 crores.
Alia Bhatt’s London House
It was always my dream for Alia to own a house in London. And she has surely made her dream come true.
In 2018, Alia Bhatt bought a house in Covent Garden. Although the actual cost of this house is still not disclosed, it is estimated that the cost is somewhere between Rs 10 crores to 31 crores.
Also Read: Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt Wedding- Check out best pictures
Ranbir’s Insane Watch Collection
Apart from being a sneaker lover, he is also a watch lover. His watch collections include pieces from Rolex to Hublot.
And one of the most expensive watches that Ranbir owns is the Richard Mille RM 010. Furthermore, this watch costs Rs 50 lakhs. But do you know how he got this watch?
In 2014, the Richard Mille RM 010 was gifted to him by Amitabh Bachchan.
Ranbir Kapoor’s Car Collection
Ranbir Kapoor’s car collection is also a collection worth mentioning. His car collection includes cars like Land Rover Range Rover Vogue which is worth Rs 2.26 crores.
Other than this, he also has a Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG and Audi R8 that costs Rs 2.14 crores and Rs 2.72 crores, respectively.
Alia Bhatt’s Car Collection
Among Alia’s other expensive things, her car collection is also something to look at. She too owns a Land Rover Range Rover Vogue. Moreover, she also has BMW 7 series that costs Rs 1.37 crores
So, these are a few of the most expensive things that Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor own.