Mickey’s Mouse Trap is an upcoming Canadian independent comedy slasher film directed by Jamie Bailey, with a screenplay by Simon Phillips. It offers a horror reimagining of Walt Disney’s 1928 animated short film “Steamboat Willie.” The film stars Sophie McIntosh, Nick Biskupek, James Laurin, Mireille Gagné, Damir Kovic, Callum Sywyk, Allegra Nocita, Jesse Nasmith, Mackenzie Mills, Madeline Kelman, and Ben Harris, with Phillips portraying the titular character.
The story follows a group of friends who find themselves trapped inside an amusement arcade after closing, where they are hunted by a masked killer in a Mickey Mouse costume.
Mickey’s Mouse Trap Release Date
Principal photography commenced in Ottawa, Canada. Filming began in June 2023 and concluded in September 2023, with director Bailey noting that the previous copyright status would affect the film’s release but not its production. The film draws inspiration from “Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey” (2023), another horror film featuring a character that entered the public domain, as well as the crew’s fondness for Disney media.
Mickey’s Mouse Trap is set for a worldwide theatrical release in 2024, with the specific date yet to be announced.
Mickey’s Mouse Trap Cast
- Simon Phillips as Mickey Mouse
- Nick Biskupek as Detective Marsh
- Sophie McIntosh as Alex
- James Laurin as Paul
- Mireille Gagné as Gemma
- Damir Kovic as Detective Cole
- Callum Sywyk as Marcus
- Allegra Nocita as Marie
- Jesse Masmith as Danny
- Mackenzie Mills as Rebecca
- Madeline Kelman as Jayna
- Ben Harris as Ryan
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Mickey’s Mouse Trap Plot
When a group of friends sneaks into an amusement arcade after closing, they become trapped with a masked killer dressed as Mickey Mouse. The killer decides to play a deadly game, and now they must fight to survive.