Mark Antony is an upcoming Tamil-language film that combines elements of period drama, science fiction, action, and comedy. It is written and directed by Adhik Ravichandran and produced by S. Vinod Kumar through Mini Studio. The movie features a star-studded cast, including Vishal, S. J. Suryah, and Ritu Varma in leading roles, with Selvaraghavan, Sunil, and Abhinaya in important supporting positions. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the fees of Mark Antony cast members.
Mark Antony Cast Salary
Tamil actor Vishal is playing the dual roles of Mark (son) and Antony (father) in Mark Antony and is charging a sum of Rs 7 Crores as his fee.
S. J. Suryah in a dual role as Jackie Pandian (father) and Madhan Pandian (son) is a main part of the film and major antagonist. He is getting a huge amount of Rs 3 Crores for his role.
Also read: Mark Antony Budget and Box Office Collection Prediction
Ritu Varma is going to play the main female lead, Ramya in the film and for that she is getting a sum of Rs 50 Lakhs for her role.