Unni Mukundan’s crime thriller Marco has set a new record in Malayalam cinema, becoming the first A-rated film to cross the Rs 100 crore milestone at the box office. The film has amassed nearly Rs 102 crore worldwide, with Rs 69.65 crore from the Indian market and Rs 32.25 crore from overseas collections. Released on December 20, 2024, Marco delivers a gripping mix of action and emotion, keeping audiences engaged throughout.
Marco OTT Release Update
Despite its phenomenal success, there has been no official confirmation regarding its digital release. Producer Shareef Muhammed recently addressed speculation on social media, clarifying that no OTT agreements have been finalized yet. He urged viewers to experience the film in theaters, emphasizing its intense action and compelling storytelling. A formal announcement about its streaming release will be made at the right time.
Marco Plot
The story follows the Adattu family, a well-known name in Kerala’s gold trade. Their lives are thrown into chaos when Victor, the blind younger brother of family head George, is brutally murdered after witnessing a crime. Despite his blindness, Victor identifies the culprit through key details, leading to his tragic end at the hands of Russell Issac, a man involved in a larger conspiracy. Shattered by the loss, George and his younger brother Marco set out on separate but interconnected journeys to seek justice and uncover the truth.
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Directed by Haneef Adeni and produced by Shareef Muhammed under Cubes Entertainments, Marco is rumored to be a spinoff of the 2019 film Mikhael, though no official confirmation has been made. While some characters are shared between the two films, Marco stands as a unique and independent story. The cast includes notable performances from Siddique, Jagadish, Abhimanyu S. Thilakan, Kabir Duhan Singh, Anson Paul, and Yukti Thareja, with Unni Mukundan delivering a powerful performance in the lead role.
With striking cinematography, crisp editing, and a thrilling soundtrack, Marco offers an intense cinematic experience that keeps audiences hooked till the very end.