Mandakini is an upcoming Malayalam comedy movie written by Shiju M. Bhaskar and directed by Vinod Leela. This movie produced under the banner of Spire Productions, features Althaf Salim and Anarkali Marikar in the lead roles, along with Aswathy Sreekanth, Ajai Vasudev, Priya Prakash Varrier, Saritha Kukku, Jude Anthany Joseph, Lal Jose, Jaffer Idukki, Pradeesh Jacob, Vinod Guiness and many others in the supporting roles. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Mandakini movie release date, cast, crew, plot and more.
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Mandakini Movie Release Date
The much awaited Malayalam comedy movie Mandakini, starring Althaf Salim and Anarkali Marikar is all set to release in cinema halls on May 24, 2024.
Mandakini Movie Cast
- Althaf Salim as Aromal
- Anarkali Marikar as Ambili
- Ganapathi S. Poduval as Sujith Vasu
- Aswathy Sreekanth as AjithaKutty Akhil
- Ajai Vasudev as Manoj
- Priya Prakash Varrier as Chinju
- Saritha Kukku as Rajalakshmi
- Jude Anthany Joseph as Benny
- Lal Jose as Sudevan
- Jaffer Idukki as Sukeshan
- Pradeesh Jacob as Amalesh
- Vinod Guiness as Sajeevan
- Vineeth Thattil David as Unni
- Babitha Basheer as Sreekutty
- Jeo Baby as Sagar
- Resmi Anil as CID Sudha
- Kutty Akhil as Ani
Mandakini Movie Crew
Vinod Leela is the director of the upcoming Malayalam comedy movie, which is produced under the banner of Spire Productions. Sanju S. Unnithan serves as the producer for this movie. Bibin Ashok serves as the music director. Shiju M. Bhaaskar holds the position of cinematographer, while Sheril is the editor of this movie. Shiju M. Bhaskar serves as the writer of this movie.
Mandakini Movie Plot
The plot of Mandakini movie revolves around Aromal and Ambili, who recently got married. Aromal was really excited and delighted to start a life with Ambili but on that wedding night an unlikely incident happened which will put the entire family in complex situation.
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Mandakini Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of Mandakini movie?
Mandakini movie will be released on 24th May 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who is the director of Mandakini movie?
Mandakini movie is directed by Vinod Leela.
3- Who is the writer of Mandakini movie?
Mandakini movie is written by Shiju M. Bhaskar.
4- Who is the producer of Mandakini movie?
Mandakini movie is produced by Sanju S. Unnithan.