Kung Fu Panda 4 is the highly anticipated upcoming animated martial arts comedy from DreamWorks Animation, set to be distributed by Universal Pictures. Serving as the fourth installment in the beloved Kung Fu Panda franchise and a sequel to the 2016 hit Kung Fu Panda 3, the film is directed by Mike Mitchell with co-direction by Stephanie Ma Stine. The star-studded cast includes returning favorites Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, James Hong, Bryan Cranston, and Ian McShane, reprising their iconic roles, alongside new additions Awkwafina, Viola Davis, and Ke Huy Quan, bringing fresh characters to the adventure.
Kung Fu Panda 4 Budget
Kung Fu Panda 4 is estimated to be made on a budget of US $160 million. It is the most expensive film in the Kung Fu Panda franchise. The third film in the franchise was made on a budget of US $14.5 million.
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Kung Fu Panda 4 Cast
- Jack Black as Po, a giant panda who is set to become a spiritual leader after renouncing his title as the Dragon Warrior
- Awkwafina as Zhen, a corsac fox who is a thief and accompanies Po on his journey
- Viola Davis as The Chameleon, an evil shapeshifting chameleon sorceress
- Dustin Hoffman as Master Shifu, a red panda and Po’s wise master
- James Hong as Mr. Ping, Po’s adoptive Chinese goose father
- Bryan Cranston as Li Shan, Po’s biological giant panda father
- Ian McShane as Tai Lung, a snow leopard who was Shifu’s adopted son and former disciple
- Ke Huy Quan as Han, a Sunda pangolin who is a leader of a den of thieves
- Lori Tan Chinn as Granny Boar, a boar that can take out her tusks and use them as weapons
- Ronny Chieng as a fish boat captain that lives in a pelican’s mouth
Kung Fu Panda 4 Box Office Collection Prediction
Kung Fu Panda 4 is expected to collect more than US $500 million at the global box office. The Kung Fu Panda franchise has a cult following and will surely turn out to be profitable for the producers.