Kotee is an upcoming Kannada drama thriller movie written and directed by Param. This movie produced under the banner of Jio Studios and Vaishno Studios, stars Dhananjaya and Rangayana Raghu in the lead roles, along with Ramesh Indira, Moksha Kushal, Prithvi Shamanur, Thanuja Venkatesh and many others in the supporting roles. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Kotee movie release date, cast, crew, story and more.
Table of Contents
Kotee Movie Release Date
The much awaited Kannada drama thriller movie Kotee, starring Dhananjaya and Rangayana Raghu is all set to release in cinema halls on June 14, 2024.
Kotee Movie Cast
- Dhananjaya as Kotee
- Rangayana Raghu as Ramanna
- Ramesh Indira as Dinoo Saavkar
- Moksha Kushal as Navami
- Prithvi Shamanur as Nachchi
- Thanuja Venkatesh as Mahathi
- Thara as Aayi
- Sardar Satya as Prabhakar
- Abhishek Srikanth as Shiva
Kotee Movie Crew
Param is the writer and director of the upcoming Kannada drama thriller movie, which is produced under the banner of Jio Studios and Vaishno Studios. Jyoti Deshpande serves as the producer for this movie. Nobin Paul and Vaibhav Vasuki serves as the music directors. Arun Bhrama holds the position of cinematographer, while Pratheek Shetty is the editor of this movie.
Kotee Movie Story
The story of Kotee movie revolves around Kotee, who in his quest for an honest fortune to provide for his sister’s marriage and a future in the corrupt Janatha city, defies the powerful gang leader Dinoo Saavkaar. When Kotee’s defiance leads to mounting debts, he faces a life-altering choice to Eliminate or be Eliminated.
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Kotee Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of Kotee movie?
Kotee movie will be released on 14th June 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who is the director of Kotee of movie?
Kotee movie is directed by Param.
3- Who is the writer of Kotee movie?
Kotee movie is written by Param.
4- Who is the producer of Kotee movie?
Kotee movie is produced by Jyoti Deshpande.