Karnataka to Recruit Transgenders in Police Department for the First Time


For the first in the history of Karnataka, the state government is all set to roll out applications for transgender candidates for recruitments in the state police department. As per a notification issued on December 20, and the Amendment of Karnataka Civil Services (General Recruitment) Rules, 1977, the state government has called for applications from transgenders for various posts. This is a brilliant step by the state government regarding transgender reservation in Karnataka.

The state government claims that four posts of special Reserve sub-inspector for Karnataka State Reserve Police (KSRP) and one post in India Reserve Battalion of the rank of special Reserve sub-inspector will be reserved for transgenders.

Transgender Reservation in Karnataka

Transgender Reservation in Karnataka Police Strengthens the Community

In order to apply for the job, the transgender candidate must obtain a certificate from the district magistrate. Moreover, the state has clearly mentioned in the notice that a certificate is mandatory. Moreover, the Additional Director General of Police (Recruitment) is the publishing authority of the notification.

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As per the notice, only five posts are under reservation for transgenders out of the 70 posts. The eligible transgender candidates can apply for the post by visiting the online government portal. Also, the last for apply is January 18.

Apart from this, out of the five posts, three are already under reservation for transgenders in the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) for Scene of Crime Officer (SOCO). For these posts, the interested candidates can submit their applications by January 15. This initiative by the state government will improve the condition of transgender reservation in Karnataka.

Transgender Reservation in Karnataka

Chhattisgarh Police Hire Transgenders

Earlier in March 2021, the Chhattisgarh police recruited 13 transgender candidates for the post of constables in four districts of Chhattisgarh. Before that only two transgender police officers were recruited in India. Out of those two recruited police officers, one belongs to Tamil Nadu and the other belongs to Rajasthan.

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In 2014, the transgender community was titled as a third gender along with male and female by the Supreme Court. The SC also announced that they also have equal privileges over the fundamental rights. In 2017, the Chhattisgarh government takes its first step and decides to include the third gender in their recruitment exam.



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