Kannur Squad is an upcoming Malayalam crime drama movie directed by Roby Varghese Raj. Written by Muhammed Shafi and Rony David Raj, this movie features Mammootty in the lead role, along with Vijayaraghavan, Rony David, Kishore, Shabareesh Varma and Sunny Wayne in the supporting roles. The movie is produced by Mammootty under the banner of Mammootty Kampany. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Kannur Squad movie release date, cast, plot, teaser, trailer and more.
Kannur Squad Movie Release Date
The much awaited Malayalam crime drama movie Kannur Squad, starring Mammootty is all set to release in cinema halls on September 28, 2023.
Kannur Squad Movie Cast
- Mammootty
- Kishore Kumar G.
- Vijayaraghavan
- Rony David
- Azeez Nedumangad
- Shabareesh Varma
- Sunny Wayne
- Sarath Sabha
- Sajin Cherukayil
- Resh Lamba
- Shebin Benson
- N.P. Nisa
- Deepak Parambol
- Manohar Pandey
- Nalneesh Neel
- Gibin Gopinath
- Benzi Mathews
- Ankith Madhav
Kannur Squad Movie Plot
The plot of Kannur Squad movie revolves around the gripping saga of a Police Officer and his team, their challenging journey to nab a criminal gang across the country. Further, it shows how he leads his team towards triumph, amidst professional uncertainties in this gripping drama.
Kannur Squad Movie Teaser Trailer
The official teaser trailer of Kannur Squad movie was released by Mammootty Kampany on their official YouTube channel.
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Kannur Squad Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Kannur Squad movie?
A. Kannur Squad movie will be released on 28th September 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Kannur Squad movie?
A. Kannur Squad movie is directed by Roby Varghese Raj.
Q. Who is the producer of Kannur Squad movie?
A. Kannur Squad movie is produced by Mammootty.
Q. Who are the writers of Kannur Squad movie?
A. Kannur Squad movie is written by Muhammed Shafi and Rony David Raj.