Junior is an upcoming Punjabi action drama movie written by Amiek Virk and directed by Harman Dhillon. The movie features Amiek Virk and Srishti Jain in the lead roles, while Kabir Bedi, Yograj Singh, Pardeep Rawat, Pardeep Cheema, Ajay Jethi, Ronny Singh, Ram Aujla, Kabir Singh and Rana Jasleen in the supporting roles. The movie is produced by Birendra Kaur and Amiek Virk under the banner of Birendra Kaur and Amiek Virk. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Junior release date, cast, plot, teaser, trailer and more.
Junior Release Date
The much awaited Punjabi action drama movie Junior starring Amiek Virk and Srishti Jain is all set to release in cinema halls on August 18, 2023.
Junior Cast
- Amiek Virk
- Kabir Bedi
- Yograj Singh
- Kabir Singh
- Pardeep Cheema
- Srishti Jain
- Ajay Jethi
- Ram Aujla
- Jasleen Rana
- Karan Gaba
- Pradeep Rawat
- Rony Singh
- Mariam Roinishvili
Junior Plot
The plot of Junior movie is not yet revealed by the filmmakers.
Junior Teaser
The official teaser of Junior movie was released by Nadar Films on their official YouTube channel.
Junior Trailer
The official trailer of Junior movie was released by Nadar Films on their official YouTube channel.
Also Read: Mastaney Release Date 2023, Cast, Plot, Teaser, Trailer and More
Junior FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Junior movie?
A. Junior movie will be released on 18th August 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Junior movie?
A. Junior movie is directed by Harman Dhillon.
Q. Who are the producers of Junior movie?
A. Junior movie is produced by Birendra Kaur and Amiek Virk.
Q. Who is the writer of Junior movie?
A. Junior movie is written by Amiek Virk.