Intinti Ramayanam is an upcoming Telegu comedy drama movie directed by Suresh Naredla and music by Kalyani Malik. The movie features Naresh Vijaya Krishna, Rahul Ramakrishna, Navya Swamy, Surabhi Prabhavathi, Gangavva, Anji Mama, Anji, Chevella Ravi, Jeevan, Radhika, Steven Madhu and Kavitha Srirangam. The movie is produced under the banner of Ivy Productions and Sithara Entertainment along with Aha Video. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Intinti Ramayanam release date, cast, storyline, teaser, trailer and more.
Intinti Ramayanam Release Date
The much awaited Telugu comedy drama movie Intinti Ramayanam, starring Naresh Vijaya Krishna, Rahul Ramakrishna and Navya Swamy is all set to release in cinema halls on June 9, 2023.
Intinti Ramayanam Cast
- Naresh Vijaya Krishna
- Rahul Ramakrishna
- Navya Swamy
- Surabhi Prabhavathi
- Gangavva
- Anji Mama
- Anji
- Chevella Ravi
- Jeevan
- Radhika
- Steven Madhu
- Kavitha Srirangam
Intinti Ramayanam Plot
The storyline of Intinti Ramayanam movie takes place in the town of Karimnagar and revolves around the family of Ramulu (Naresh). The narrative unfolds as Ramulu’s son, portrayed by Rahul Ramakrishna, falls in love with a girl played by Navya Swamy. However, there is a sense of secrecy within the Ramulu family, and the suspense surrounding this hidden truth forms the core of the story. As the plot unravels, the audience is drawn into discovering the intriguing mystery that lies at the heart of the Ramulu family’s dynamics.
Intinti Ramayanam Teaser
The official teaser of Intinti Ramayanam movie was released by aha videoIN on their official YouTube channel.
Intinti Ramayanam Trailer
The official trailer of Intinti Ramayanam movie was released by aha videoIN on their official YouTube channel.
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Intinti Ramayanam FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Intinti Ramayanam movie?
A. Intinti Ramayanam movie will be released on 9th June 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Intinti Ramayanam movie?
A. Intinti Ramayanam movie is directed by Suresh Naredla.
Q. Who are the producers of Intinti Ramayanam movie?
A. Intinti Ramayanam movie is produced by Ivy Productions and Sithara Entertainment along with Aha Video.
Q. Who is the music composer of Intinti Ramayanam movie?
A. The music Intinti Ramayanam movie is composed by Kalyani Malik.