India celebrated its 76th Republic Day with a grand parade on Kartavya Path. This year, one of the most talked-about tableaus was about the Lakhpati Didi Scheme, a special programme launched by PM Narendra Modi’s government. This scheme aims to make rural women financially strong by helping them start small businesses.
What is the Lakhpati Didi Scheme?
The Lakhpati Didi Scheme is a government initiative that helps rural women earn at least one lakh rupees per year. The scheme provides:
- Interest-free loans up to five lakh rupees
- Training for skills like tailoring, handicrafts, farming, and more
- Support for small businesses
The aim is to make women independent so they can improve their family’s financial condition.
Lakhpati Didi Tableau at Republic Day Parade
During the Republic Day Parade 2025, the Ministry of Rural Development presented a tableau on Lakhpati Didi Scheme. It showed a woman holding cash and a QR code, symbolising digital transactions and financial independence. The tableau highlighted how rural women are becoming entrepreneurs and contributing to the economy.
Who Can Apply for the Lakhpati Didi Scheme?
This scheme is mainly for:
- Women from self-help groups
- Women living in rural areas
- Women who want to start small businesses
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Benefits of the Scheme
- Financial help – Women can get loans without paying any interest.
- Skill training – They learn new skills to start their businesses.
- Job creation – Women can also employ others, creating more jobs.
- Digital support – They can sell products online using digital payments.
The Lakhpati Didi Scheme is a big step towards women empowerment. By helping rural women become financially independent, this scheme is changing lives. The Republic Day tableau was a great way to showcase this wonderful initiative to the entire nation.
Would you like more details on how to apply for this scheme?