India Ranks 105th in 2024 Global Hunger Index, Classified as ‘Serious’


India has been ranked 105th out of 127 countries in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2024, placing it in the “serious” category for hunger levels. The GHI, which tracks and measures hunger globally, assesses indicators such as undernourishment, child stunting, child wasting, and child mortality. The index is published by Concern Worldwide, an Irish humanitarian organisation, and Welthungerhilfe, a German aid agency.

With a GHI score of 27.3, India’s performance remains troubling, especially when compared to its South Asian neighbours like Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, which fall into the “moderate” category. India ranks alongside countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan, which are also grappling with severe hunger issues.

The report presents worrying statistics: 13.7 percent of India’s population is undernourished, 35.5 percent of children under five are stunted, 18.7 percent suffer from wasting, and 2.9 percent of children die before reaching their fifth birthday. These figures highlight significant challenges related to undernutrition, poor living conditions, and limited access to essential nutrients.

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The 2024 Global Hunger Index urges stronger action to combat hunger in India and warns that without meaningful progress, the hunger crisis in some of the world’s poorest nations could persist for decades.


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