The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has announced the results of the Chartered Accountancy (CA) Foundation examination held in June. Candidates who appeared for the examination can now check their marks on the institute’s website,, using their roll number and registration number.

This year, a total of 91,900 candidates appeared for the CA Foundation examination, with 13,749 clearing it. The overall pass percentage is 14.96%. Among the total candidates, 42,320 were female and 49,580 were male. Of these, 7,766 male candidates and 5,983 female candidates passed the exam, resulting in a pass percentage of 15.66% for males and 14.14% for females.
The institute has not shared the toppers’ list for the CA Foundation June exam.
The ICAI CA Foundation exams were conducted on June 20, 22, 24, and 26, 2024. Papers 1 and 2 were held from 2 pm to 5 pm, while papers 3 and 4 took place from 2 pm to 4 pm. For papers 1 and 2, candidates were given an additional 15 minutes to read the question papers. No additional reading time was provided for papers 3 and 4 or for all papers of the post-qualification course examination.
ICAI CA Foundation Result 2024: Direct Link to Check Scores
To check your marks, follow these steps:
- Go to the ICAI result website,
- On the home page, find and open the CA Foundation June result link.
- Enter your login credentials.
- Submit and check the scorecard.
- Keep a printout of the scorecard for future reference.