The cross-platform social media messenger Whatsapp is widely being used over billions of smartphones. But how WhatsApp is unsecured? Since it’s release in 2009, Whatsapp has always managed to outsmart every other messaging application. But now the app which is capable of adding 1 million new users to their structure on a daily basis, is facing issues regarding tying up its loose ends.

Another social media messenger application, Telegram’s founder Mr. Pavel Durov posted a blog article that foreshadowed Whatsapp reports of being secured with encryption technology. In these reports, he made out crucial points explaining why he thinks using WhatsApp is dangerous.
Durov’s blog read, “Some could say that, as a founder of a rival app, I may be biased when criticizing WhatsApp. Of course, I am.” Durov commented over the fact that Telegram’s secret chat feature is far more secure than Whatsapp end to end encryption.
“Why else would I be developing and using Telegram?” he concluded. After the claims, the internet was on fire and it started a social media cold war. As per Telegram’s founder, Here are some facts why using WhatsApp is not safe for you.
Amazon’s founder, Jeff Bezos’s cellphone was hacked by a Saudi Prince made which made the Netzines raise their eyebrows. Jeff’s smartphone was hacked through a Whatsapp message which shreds some light on WhatsApp being unsecured. It stated that the app has some backdoors and that these backdoors extract private chats of the user and exploit their data.
The United Nations recommends its workforce to remove Whatsapp from their devices. Also, people in close contact with Donal Trump have been advised to change their smartphones. According to Durov’s Report, Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner have been alarmed after the Saudi Attack.
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Facebook has thrown Apple iOS to be the source of this major backdoor for the attack on jeff’s cellphone, which was obviously an iPhone. Teams at Facebook believed iOS devices are easily hackable. Instead of properly apologizing to its customers, Facebook turned Apple in. Durov’s reports suggest that it was an application that creates the void which rules out the fact of Apple being at fault.
Durov also talked about the latest end-to-end encryption feature. Whatsapp secret chat feature is not fully applicable to your total privacy, As per the reports.
iCloud and Google Cloud, are both being used to back up the chats and user data stored in the user’s WhatsApp account making it quite vulnerable.
Cloud storage came into existence in the mid of 2010 and the data is present online for a wide range of usage. The users never want to lose their chats so they store it regardless of their data being less secured
Enforcement Agencies nod over the encryption policies of the app. This results in Developers secretly planting indigenous backdoors in their apps which are later used by the government and security agencies for analysis and monitoring.
But according to Durov, he is the founder of Telegram, didn’t like the idea and refused to plant such a backdoor which resulted in Telegram being banned in countries like Russia and Iran.
Statistically Improbable results have been found in 2019. Last year, 12 backdoors were reported out of which 7 were major ones. All these made their way into the news and were quite popular including Amazon’s founder phone hack. All of these backdoors were swiped away in the name of “Security Flaws” by the company.
Telegram Founder brought the topic of obfuscating the source code of the app. This makes it hard to analyze and make us question.
In his report, Durov concluded by warning the active users of Whatsapp of the security flaws and about not getting fooled. Durov referred the tech giants as magicians for all this being a part of the big trick.
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He quoted tech Industry to being equivalent to circus magicians who’d want you to focus on one thing while the main thing is going on elsewhere.
So, Don’t be fooled into thinking that you are secured and that your data is in the right hands. No matter whatever the conglomerate likes Facebook claims because you’re not and from time to time someone does shed light on this fact, so beware and be safe.