How to identify covid symptoms in new born babies?


Infants under 90 days of age have fewer chances of getting severely exposed to the COVID-19 virus. According to a medical journal released yesterday in the U.S, new born babies with a COVID-19 viral infection show less or no signs of respiratory involvement and had a mild fever.  

According to the report from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, these new born babies have been found to have mild symptoms of fever and not a step further. Such babies had no alarming condition during birth and have a low-risk percentage of any severe condition. 

How to identify covid symptoms in new born babies?

Dr. Leena B. Mithal, pediatric infectious diseases expert from Lurie Children’s said, “Most of the infants in our study had a fever, which suggests that for young infants being evaluated because of fever, COVID-19 may be an important cause, particularly in a region with widespread community activity.”

According to Dr. Mithal, a team of doctors noted movements of any infection and regularly checked the conditions of babies under observation. Regular body temperature check, presence of any viral infection such as cold or fever have been duly noted in the study.  

However, she did state that the evaluation of bacterial infection in young infants with fever remains important. Such new born babies have weak immunity and are more prone to any sudden infection. So, besides COVID-19, it is a necessity for an overall check. 

Further, Dr. Mithal added, “18 infants were included in the study. None of them had a significant medical history. Half of these 18 infants have been admitted to the hospital’s general inpatient service requiring no oxygen, respiratory support, or intensive care”. 

Why do children react differently to COVID-19?

The major reason behind such statistics is yet to be found. As per the reports, 6 of the nine admitted to the hospital, had a condition of Gastrointestinal Symptoms (GI). This could relate to poor feeding, vomiting, and diarrhea during the first 90 days. No other conditions were to be found. 

Some experts suggest that this could relate to the fact that infants do have antibodies during the birth which protect them from any outer Coronavirus infection such as a common cold. Such antibodies might also be reacting to their defense and form a protective layer against the COVID-19 virus. 

In addition, children are less likely to have an existing chronic medical health condition in them. No traces of heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes are found during birth. On the other hand, adults who have such conditions are at higher risk of serious illness with COVID-19. 

New-born babies COVID-19 symptoms

Children who were born with a COVID-19 virus infection showed mild and low-end symptoms. Such symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Runny nose
  • Red eyes
  • Pain in the stomach
  • Cough 
  • Fatigue
  • Bluish Lips
  • Muscle aches
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Also Read- COVID Vaccine: Know Everything About Patanjali Coronil Kit

If your new born baby is likely to have any of the above symptoms, do consult your health care about this and facilitate the required medical aid soon enough. New parents are advised to keep their babies and the mother herself at home and away from others as much as possible. 

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