Hit List is an upcoming Tamil action movie directed by Soorya Kathir Kakkallar and K Karthikeyan. This movie produced under the banner of RK Celluloids, features Vijay Kanishka and R. Sarathkumar in the lead roles, along with Gautham Vasudev Menon, Smruthi Venkat, Munishkanth and many others in the supporting roles. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Hit List movie release date, cast, crew, story and more.
Table of Contents
Hit List Movie Release Date
The much awaited Tamil action movie Hit List, starring Vijay Kanishka and R. Sarathkumar is all set to release in cinema halls on May 31, 2024.
Hit List Movie Cast
- Gautham Vasudev Menon
- R. Sarathkumar
- Ramachandra Raju
- Abi Natchatra
- Smruthi Venkat
- Sithara
- Munishkanth
- Redin Kingsley
- Aishwarya Dutta
- Bala Saravanan
- Anupama Kumar
- Ramachandran Durairaj
- Vijay Kanishka
Hit List Movie Crew
Soorya Kathir Kakkallar and K Karthikeyan are the directors of the upcoming Tamil action movie, which is produced under the banner of RK Celluloids. K.S. Ravikumar serves as the producer for this movie. C. Sathya serves as the music director. K Ramcharan holds the position of cinematographer, while John Abraham is the editor of this movie. S. Devaraj and Soorya Kathir Kakkallar serves as the writers of this movie.
Hit List Movie Story
The story of Hit List movie is yet to be revealed by the makers.
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Hit List Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of Hit List movie?
Hit List movie will be released on 31st May 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who are the directors of Hit List movie?
Hit List movie is directed by Soorya Kathir Kakkallar and K Karthikeyan.
3- Who are the writers of Hit List movie?
Hit List movie is written by S. Devaraj and Soorya Kathir Kakkallar.
4- Who is the producer of Hit List movie?
Hit List movie is produced by K.S. Ravikumar.