Hidden Strike is an upcoming action comedy movie from Hollywood, directed by Scott Waugh and written by Arash Amel. The movie features John Cena and Jackie Chan in the lead roles. Produced by Changchun Film Studio, Epitome and Flame Pictures Company. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Hidden Strike release date, cast, story, teaser, trailer and more.
Hidden Strike Release Date
John Cena and Jackie Chan’s upcoming action comedy movie Hidden Strike is all set to entertain the audience and is scheduled to release worldwide very soon in 2023.
Hidden Strike Cast
- John Cena as Chris Van Horne
- Jackie Chan as Luo Feng
- Pilou Asbæk as Owen Paddock
- Zhenwei Wang as Xiao Wei
- Max Huang as Non-Chinese Contractor
- Minghao Hou
- Amadeus Serafini as Henry Van Horne
- Jun Gong as Haiming
- Li Ma
- Rachael Holoway as Raider
- Nadine Leon Gobet as Officer Rodriguez
- Lee Huang
- Michael Koltes as Hayden
- Chunrui Ma
- Rima Zeidan
- Tazito Garcia
- Diego Dati
- Tim Man
Hidden Strike Story
The story of Hidden Strike revolves around two former soldiers who join forces to safeguard civilians by traversing the perilous six-lane road known as the Highway of Death in Baghdad. The story remains largely consistent with the initial details shared by Jackie Chan in his interview with The Hollywood Reporter in 2018. Alongside their mission to protect the innocent, there may also be an oil heist orchestrated by the true antagonists of the film. Furthermore, it is possible that Cena and Chan’s characters do not initially align as allies at the outset, adding an intriguing dynamic to the plot.
Hidden Strike Teaser Trailer
The official teaser trailer of Hidden Strike movie was released by ONE Media on their official YouTube channel.
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Hidden Strike FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Hidden Strike movie?
A. Hidden Strike movie will be released soon in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Hidden Strike movie?
A. Hidden Strike movie is directed by Scott Waugh.
Q. Who are the producers of Hidden Strike movie?
A. Hidden Strike movie is produced by Changchun Film Studio, Epitome and Flame Pictures Company.
Q. Who is the writer of Hidden Strike movie?
A. Hidden Strike movie is written by Arash Amel.