Haunting of the Queen Mary is an upcoming British horror mystery movie directed by Gary Shore. Co-written by Stephen Oliver and Tom Vaughan, this movie features Alice Eve and Joel Fry in the lead roles. The movie is produced by Brett Tomberlin, Thorsten Schumacher, Lars Sylvest, Nigel Sinclair and Nicholas Ferrall under the banner of Imagination Design Works, Rocket Science, and White Horse Pictures. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Haunting of the Queen Mary release date, cast, story, teaser, trailer and more.
Haunting of the Queen Mary Release Date
Alice Eve and Joel Fry’s upcoming British horror mystery movie Haunting of the Queen Mary is all set to horrify the audience and is scheduled to release worldwide on August 18, 2023.
Haunting of the Queen Mary Cast
- Alice Eve as Anne Calder
- Nell Hudson as Gwen Ratch
- Joel Fry as Patrick Calder
- Tim Downie as Lieutenant Gibson
- William Shockley as Deck Officer Brooks
- Angus Wright as Victor
- Jim Piddock as Captain Carradine
- Lenny Rush as Lukas Calder
- Tiffany Ashton as Grand Ballroom Singer
- Dorian Lough as Captain Bittner
- Joelle Koissi as Tour guide
- Mark Silverman as Queen Mary PA Announcer
- Wil Coban as David Ratch
- Russell MacLeod as Ray Stoker
- Alfredo Tavares as Lifeboat’s Man
- Sophia Dunn-Walker as Lady in White
- Marios Gavrilis as German Commander
- Florrie Wilkinson as Jackie Ratch
Haunting of the Queen Mary Story
The story of Haunting of the Queen Mary movie explores the mysterious and violent events surrounding one family’s voyage on Halloween night in 1938, and their interwoven destiny with another family onboard the infamous ocean liner present day.
Haunting of the Queen Mary Teaser Trailer
The official teaser trailer of Haunting of the Queen Mary movie was released by VVS Films on their official YouTube channel.
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Haunting of the Queen Mary FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Haunting of the Queen Mary movie?
A. Haunting of the Queen Mary movie will be released on 18th August 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Haunting of the Queen Mary movie?
A. Haunting of the Queen Mary movie is directed by Gary Shore.
Q. Who are the producers of Haunting of the Queen Mary movie?
A. Haunting of the Queen Mary movie is produced by Brett Tomberlin, Thorsten Schumacher, Lars Sylvest, Nigel Sinclair and Nicholas Ferrall.
Q. Who are the writers of Haunting of the Queen Mary movie?
A. Haunting of the Queen Mary movie is written by Gary Shore, Stephen Oliver and Tom Vaughan.