Guntur Kaaram is an upcoming Indian Telugu-language action drama film written and directed by Trivikram Srinivas and produced by S. Radha Krishna under his banner Haarika & Hassine Creations. The film stars Mahesh Babu, Pooja Hegde, Sreeleela and Jagapathi Babu in prominent roles. The first look of the film was shared on YouTube, and it has created a lot of buzz for the SSMB28. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the Guntur Kaaram budget and box office collection prediction.
Guntur Kaaram Budget
Guntur Kaaram is estimated to be made on a budget of around Rs 100 Crores. The Telugu film will release in the theatres on 13th January 2023 on the occasion of Makar Sankranti. The official announcement about the film was made in May 2021, and the principal photography finally commenced in 2022. It marks the third collaboration between Trivikram and Mahesh Babu after Athadu (2005) and Khaleja (2010).
Also read: Buddy Budget and Box Office Collection Prediction
Guntur Kaaram Box Office Collection Prediction
Mahesh Babu is one of the most popular actors in South Indian cinema, and most of his films are box office successes. Guntur Kaaram is also expected to be a huge hit at the box office, and it will definitely take benefit from the Sankranti Holidays. We expect Gunturn Kaaram to cross Rs 200 Crores at the box office in India. Mahesh Babu is playing a fiery role in the film, which is going to be filled with action.