Gen V stands as an American superhero TV series, co-created by Craig Rosenberg, Evan Goldberg, and Eric Kripke. This show serves as a spin-off from Kripke’s “The Boys” and draws its inspiration from the comic book storyline “We Gotta Go Now” authored by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the second season of Gen V in detail.
Gen V Season 2 Release Date on Amazon Prime Video
Gen V Season 2 is expected to be released in September 2024 on Amazon Prime Video. The first season of The Boys spin-off released on 29th September 2023 and the fans are already eagerly anticipating a second season. Amazon Prime Video is expected to renew the series pretty soon.
Gen V Season 2 Cast
- Jaz Sinclair as Marie Moreau, a blood bender with a tragic past
- Chance Perdomo as Andre Anderson, a popular metal bender
- Lizze Broadway as Emma Meyer, a half-inch sized Supe with the ability to grow to regular size
- Maddie Phillips as Cate Dunlap, a mind empath
- Derek Luh and London Thor as Jordan Li, a gender-shifter
- Asa Germann as Sam, a young Supe with super-strength and invulnerability
- Shelley Conn as Indira Shetty, the dean of Godolkin University who does not have superpowers
- Patrick Schwarzenegger as Luke Riordan / Golden Boy, a popular student with pyrokinesis
- Sean Patrick Thomas as Polarity, Andre’s dad and a famous superhero
- Marco Pigossi as Dr. Edison Cardosa
- Jason Ritter
- Alexander Calvert as Rufus
- Clancy Brown as Richard “Rich Brink” Brinkerhoff, a renowned professor at Godolkin University and Crimefighting Department Chairman
- Derek Wilson as Robert Vernon / Tek Knight
Gen V Season 2 Plot
At the Godolkin University School of Crimefighting, operated by Vought International, young adult superheroes, often referred to as “supes,” undergo rigorous battle royal challenges to prove their mettle.
Also read: The Boys Season 4 Release Date on Amazon Prime Video, Cast, Story, Trailer and More
Gen V Trailer
Gen V Season 2 FAQs
1- What is the release date of Gen V Season 2 on Amazon Prime Video?
Gen V Season 2 is expected to released in August 2024 on Amazon Prime Video.
2- Is Gen V a spin-off of The Boys?
Yes, Gen V is a spin-off of The Boys.