Gadar 2 is a Hindi-language period action drama movie released in 2023, directed and produced by Anil Sharma, with the screenplay written by Shaktimaan Talwar. It serves as a follow-up to the 2001 film “Gadar: Ek Prem Katha.” The film features Sunny Deol, Ameesha Patel, and Utkarsh Sharma reprising their original roles. Amidst the “Crush India” campaign of 1971, Tara Singh ventures into Pakistan with a personal objective to rescue his son Charanjeet “Jeete” Singh. Jeete is held captive and subjected to harsh treatment by Pakistani soldiers led by Major General Hamid Iqbal. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the day 12 box office collection of Gadar 2 in detail.
Gadar 2 Box Office Collection Day 12 and Budget
Gadar 2 is expected to earn around Rs 20 Crores at the box office on day 12. The film marks the huge comeback of Sunny Deol in Bollywood. Gadar 2 is going to be Sunny Deol’s biggest ever opener at the box office. Gadar 2 is estimated to be made on a huge budget of Rs 100 Crores. The film is expected to easily cross the budget amount at the box office.
Also read: Gadar 2 Box Office Collection Day 3: 135 Crores Crossed, Second Highest Earner of 2023
Gadar 2 has a long four day weekend at the box office with the holidays surrounding Indian Independence Day. The film starring Sunny Deol, Ameesha Patel and Utkarsh Singh is getting good reviews and is expected to be a huge blockbuster at the box office. The day 12 box office collection of Rs 20 Crores for Gadar 2 is a huge amount and definitely makes the film one of the biggest draws at the box office after Pathaan.