French Girl is an upcoming comedy drama movie written and directed by James A. Woods and Nicolas Wright. Produced under the banner of Caramel Films, this movie features Zach Braff, Vanessa Hudgens, William Fichtner, Charlotte Aubin, Evelyne Brochu, Melia Charlotte Cressaty, Catherine De Seve and Muriel Dutil in the lead roles. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about French Girl release date, star cast, crew, storyline and more.
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French Girl Movie Release Date
Vanessa Hudgens and Zach Braff’s upcoming comedy drama movie, French Girl is all set to release worldwide on March 15, 2024.
French Girl Movie Star Cast
- Zach Braff as Gordon Kinski
- Vanessa Hudgens as Ruby Collins
- William Fichtner as Peter Kinsky
- Charlotte Aubin as Juliette Tremblay
- Evelyne Brochu as Sophie Tremblay
- Melia Charlotte Cressaty as Beth
- Catherine De Seve as Simone
- Muriel Dutil as Mammie Tremblay
- Kÿlla Lefrançois as Waitress
- Hazel Nugent as Jenna
- Emilie Paquet as Camerawoman
- Luc Picard as Alphonse Tremblay
- Antoine Olivier Pilon as Junior Tremblay
- Llyr Yan-Ho Redweik-Leung as Annoyed Student
- Isabelle Vincent as Ginette Tremblay
- Alex Woods as Antoine
French Girl Movie Crew
The crew of French Girl movie includes James A. Woods and Nicolas Wright as the directors and the writers of this comedy drama movie. The movie is produced by Valérie d’Auteuil and André Rouleau. The production company involved in the movie is Caramel Films. Yvann Thibaudeau has handled the editing, while Jean-François Lord has done the cinematography for this upcoming movie.
French Girl Movie Storyline
The storyline of French Girl movie follows Gordon Kinski, a high school teacher from Brooklyn, who goes with his girlfriend and chef Sophie Tremblay to her hometown of Quebec City where she is testing for the Michelin 3-star restaurant of super-chef Ruby Collins.
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French Girl Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of French Girl movie?
French Girl movie will be released on 15th March 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who are the directors of French Girl movie?
French Girl movie is directed by James A. Woods and Nicolas Wright.
3- Who are the producers of French Girl movie?
French Girl movie is produced by Valérie d’Auteuil and André Rouleau.
4- Who are the writers of French Girl movie?
French Girl movie is written by James A. Woods and Nicolas Wright.