Fantasmas is an upcoming American comedy television series created, directed, written by, and starring Julio Torres. The series follows Torres as he searches for a golden oyster earring, encountering various people along the way. In February 2022, it was announced that Julio Torres would write, direct, executive produce, and star in the series for HBO, with Emma Stone and Dave McCary producing under their Fruit Tree banner. HBO greenlit the series in December 2022. In April 2024, it was revealed that Martine, Joe Rumrill, Julia Fox, Ziwe, Alexa Demie, Steve Buscemi, and Kim Petras would appear in recurring and guest roles.
Fantasmas Release Date
The series had its world premiere at the ATX Television Festival on May 30, 2024. It is set to premiere on HBO on June 7, 2024.
Fantasmas Cast
- Julio Torres as Julio Torres
- Martine Gutierrez as Vanesja
- Tomas Matos as Chester
- Joe Rumrill as the voice of Bibo
- Julia Fox
- Ziwe
- Alexa Demie
- Steve Buscemi
- Kim Petras
- Dylan O’Brien
- Emma Stone
- Paul Dano
- Aidy Bryant
- Bowen Yang
Also read: Clipped FX Series Release Date, Cast, Plot
Fantasmas Plot
Julio Torres embarks on a search through New York City for a golden oyster earring, encountering various people along the way.