In recent years, technology has made breakthroughs by leaps and bounds, evolving at a breakneck pace. In response to this drastic growth, the digital sector soon began to take over the world by introducing virtual solutions for even basic tasks such as payment, transactions, bookings, shopping, and much more.
What does it mean by virtual and its purpose?
Virtual can be defined as something that does not exist physically instead on a screen of mobile or computer. It aims to assist in day-to-day tasks, making them more convenient and time-saving for the general public. A prime example would be: Instead of withdrawing money to grant to the other party, with digital payment in play, you can do all this tedious work with just a few taps on your phone.
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As technology grows and evolves, the digital sector realizes new potential each time; and now at the center of Digital India stands PM Narendra Modi, with an all-new digital payment platform to further aid the cause.
How exactly does PM Narendra Modi aim to achieve this?
One word, E-RUPI; a person and purpose-specific digital payment solution developed by the National Payments Corporation of India on its UPI platform, in collaboration with the Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and National Health Authority.
How does it work?
E-RUPI utilizes and makes use of QR codes and SMS string-based e-vouchers to act as a cashless and contactless instrument for digital payment. To put it simply, the beneficiaries will directly receive the vouchers on their mobile numbers from the government instead of cash after their number and identity are verified.
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They can later redeem those e-vouchers only for the given nature of the voucher. For example, an e-RUPI voucher for a vaccine for Covid-19 can only be redeemed for vaccines. With this, the beneficiaries can experience a seamless transaction without using any cash or making any contact.
With the introduction of e-RUPI, PM Narendra Modi successfully aids the cause of Digital India and eases the day-to-day tasks of the general public. Stay tuned for more!