Everyone wants that there should be no shortage of any kind in their holiday planning. Be it ticket booking, hotel booking or cab booking to that place, everyone wants their trip to be perfect. In such a situation, we take the help of travel agents, who work as a tour operator in package tours, package vacations or package holidays. But what are the important questions to ask while booking from these travel agents, this question roams in everyone’s mind. If you are also going to book your package from a tour operator, then keep in mind the questions mentioned in this article.

What should be included in the package and what should not?
In most of the travel packages, the price of the trip is also shared. But it is very important to check what is included and what is not in the package. Ask the travel operator questions related to the arrangements given in the journey, food and even the taxes imposed. If you want to avoid all these tensions, then you can take a written document about all this from your travel agents.
Is that place suitable for children or not?
Also ask the travel operator carefully whether the place for which you are booking is child friendly or not? Or is there any facility like an amusement park or special activity for children available there or not?
What are the pickup and drop points?
Ask your agent about where the taxi will pick you up or drop you at the place you are going to. Also, is there transport facility available for you from the hotel or any other place for local sightseeing at the destination you are going to? Do ask these questions to the agent, so that you will not have any kind of confusion after reaching there.
How much time should be spent in each tourist place?
Sometimes there are some places which are very interesting to see and it takes hours to see them. On the other hand, there are some places which are not very interesting to see. In such a situation, make a time-related plan with your tour guide. You can decide your price according to where the time is taking more or less.
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Do you have a bad weather policy?
Weather conditions are such that no one has any control over it. Therefore, definitely ask your tour operator that if the weather is not favorable, what will happen to your tour planning? Does your agent have a refund policy? Or can they plan this trip again?
Are all the meals included in this package?
There are some travel companies in India that usually include food in their packages. However, it depends on the package, place, etc. You can ask your travel agents whether all the meals or any specific food is a part of the tour package or not? This will ensure that you do not have to face any problem regarding food in your trip.
What is the policy for cancelling the package?
The date of the tour and its payment should be made before time. Before booking any package, ask the travel agents whether any change can be made or the package can be cancelled after booking? Also talk to your agent about the cancellation fee.
What documents are required for travel?
Special permits are required for travel to certain places. Do ask your travel agents whether any special document is required after reaching there? Carry personal documents like photo identity, medical certificate and bank statement with you.