Devara is a forthcoming Telugu-language period-action film written and directed by Koratala Siva and produced by Mikkilineni Sudhakar and Kosaraju Hari Krishna under the banners of NTR Arts and Yuva Sudha Arts. It stars Jr NTR in a dual role alongside Janhvi Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, and Prakash Raj. Anirudh Ravichander created the music, R. Rathnavelu shot the film, and A. Sreekar Prasad edited it. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the budget and box office collection prediction of Devara starring NTR.
Devara Movie Budget
Devara is made on a whopping budget of Rs 300 Crores. It is one of the most expensive South Indian movies ever. The film uses heavy VFX. It is said to be an epic action drama. Jr NTR’s Devara is already one of the most anticipated movies of 2023. The film is expected to create new records at the box office as both NTR and Janhvi Kapoor are widely popular. Devara is made at a great magnitude, and the film has a budget of Rs 300 Crores which is definitely on the higher side. The film will need absolutely flawless reviews to go past its budget at the box office.
Also read: King of Kotha Budget and Box Office Collection Prediction
Devara Box Office Collection Prediction
Devara is expected to earn around Rs 500 Crores at the worldwide box office. We expect the film to gross around Rs 350 Crores at the box office in India. Devara is made on a huge budget of Rs 300 Crores, and the film will simultaneously be released in various languages across India. Fans from all over the world are going to be able to witness the Devara movie in their preferred language. Koratala Silva has directed movies like Janatha Garage and Acharya in the past, and Devara is his biggest project so far.