On Saturday, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) announced that Metro services will be resumed in the national capital for the general public from Monday, June 7 with only 50 percent seating capacity. The decrease in the daily cases of coronavirus patients in Delhi led to the announcement of relaxations for various activities within the capital.
DMRC released a tweet in which it clearly mentioned that “DMRC Services Update. In the wake of revised guidelines issued today by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi; on the extension of curfew in Delhi for the containment of COVID-19, the Delhi Metro services will be resumed for the general public from 7th June 2021 with 50% seating capacity only.”
Advisory to Passengers
- The number of Delhi Metro Trains has reduced to half and will run at a frequency of five to fifteen minutes on different lines from Monday onwards as soon as the rapid transport system resumes operation with 50% seating capacity in view of the pandemic situation in the region.
- The full strength of the trains will be restored in a graded manner by Wednesday. Thereafter, the frequency will be back to normal which was available before the lockdown.
Public Service Announcement
In the wake of revised guidelines issued today by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi; on the extension of Curfew in Delhi for the containment of Covid-19, the Delhi Metro services will be resumed for general public from 7th June with 50% seating capacity only. pic.twitter.com/jaJ2xLpMvm
— Delhi Metro Rail Corporation I कृपया मास्क पहनें???? (@OfficialDMRC) June 5, 2021
- DMRC has requested its passengers to cooperate with the Metro Authorities and follow all the necessary COVID-19 protocols and behavior inside Metro premises throughout their travel.
- In order to maintain social distancing, the department requests passengers to take extra time for their delayed commute and exhibit Covid appropriate behavior outside the stations and also while waiting for the train on platforms.
Service Update
Entry for a few of our stations are being intermittently closed and opened for short durations to ensure social distancing as part of our crowd control measures. Please bear with us and allow for extra time in your commute.
— Delhi Metro Rail Corporation I कृपया मास्क पहनें???? (@OfficialDMRC) June 7, 2021
- The normal checking procedures will start continuing on the identified gates as was the practice earlier.
- DMRC has requested appropriate authorities to increase security to maintain law and order outside and inside Metro stations and extreme rush once Metro services resume from Monday onwards.
Meanwhile, the number of infections has risen to 414 new cases of the coronavirus disease on that day with a loss of 60 lives due to infection.
Latest Tweets by Delhi Metro
Hi, thank you for reaching out. Delhi Metro services are resumed in all lines for general public from with 50% seating capacity only.
— Delhi Metro Rail Corporation I कृपया मास्क पहनें???? (@OfficialDMRC) June 7, 2021
We’re back on track! Travel only if it’s necessary and please follow the protocols which are in place for you & your fellow passengers safety. pic.twitter.com/QBTUkhQrjv
— Delhi Metro Rail Corporation I कृपया मास्क पहनें???? (@OfficialDMRC) June 7, 2021
Service Update
Entry for a few of our stations are being intermittently closed and opened for short durations to ensure social distancing as part of our crowd control measures. Please bear with us and allow for extra time in your commute.
— Delhi Metro Rail Corporation I कृपया मास्क पहनें???? (@OfficialDMRC) June 7, 2021