Curd Side Effects: Why Some People Should Avoid Eating Curd – Find Out Before You Eat

While the benefits of curd are well-known, it is also important to consider its potential side effects.


Consuming curd after a hearty meal can enhance your dining experience. Yogurt promotes healthy gut bacteria, which benefits your digestive system. For those using antibiotics, daily curd consumption is beneficial as these medications can destroy beneficial bacteria in your body. Curd helps maintain the balance of these bacteria.

While the benefits of curd are well-known, it is also important to consider its potential side effects. You should be mindful of the quantity of curd you consume. If you have a weak digestive system, eating too much yogurt might cause constipation. This issue arises when yogurt is consumed in excessive amounts.


Curd Side Effects: When Curd May Be Harmful

People with lactose intolerance can usually digest curd more easily than milk. However, it’s important to maintain proper intervals between curd and other foods and to consume it in moderation.

According to Ayurveda, excessive curd consumption can increase the kapha dosha, which may cause issues for those with asthma, sinus problems, or cold and cough. Additionally, curd may contribute to inflammation in the body.

People with arthritis should avoid daily curd consumption as it is an acidic food that can exacerbate joint pain.

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Individuals with weak digestive systems should avoid curd at night. If you frequently experience acidity, indigestion, or acid reflux, consuming curd at night, when digestion slows down, may not be advisable.

Curd Side Effects: Can You Eat Curd at Night?

Curd contains both sweet and sour elements that can increase kapha dosha, potentially causing harm to those who already have high kapha levels. It may also lead to mucus production. Ayurveda advises against eating curd at night due to the body’s cooler temperature and slower digestion, which can increase mucus formation.


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