Cheta Singh is an upcoming Punjabi action thriller movie directed by Ashish Kumar and written by Rana Jethuwal. The movie features Prince Kanwaljit Singh and Japji Khaira in the lead roles, while Baljinder Kaur, Mintu Kapa, Irwin Meet Kaur, Mahabir Bhullar, Gurjant Marahar, Jagdeesh Mistry, Gurpreet Toti, Sanju Solanki, Garima Shevi, Naginder Gakhar, Sukhdev Barnala, Harpreet Singh Bhoora, Aman Cheema, Jasdeep Singh Nita and Brijesh Sharma in the supporting roles. The movie is produced by Sumeet Singh and Ranjit Singh under the banner of Saga Studios. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Cheta Singh release date, cast, storyline, teaser, trailer and more.
Cheta Singh Release Date
The much awaited Punjabi action thriller movie Cheta Singh, starring Prince Kanwaljit Singh and Japji Khaira is all set to release in cinema halls in September 1, 2023.
Cheta Singh Cast
- Prince Kanwaljit Singh
- Japji Khaira
- Baljinder Kaur
- Mintu Kapa
- Irwin Meet Kaur
- Mahabir Bhullar
- Gurjant Marahar
- Jagdeesh Mistry
- Gurpreet Toti
- Sanju Solanki
- Garima Shevi
- Naginder Gakhar
- Sukhdev Barnala
- Harpreet Singh Bhoora
- Aman Cheema
- Jasdeep Singh Nita
- Brijesh Sharma
Cheta Singh Storyline
The storyline of Cheta Singh movie revolves around a man who commits heinous crimes for a hidden reason. With an engaging storyline, intense performances, and high-octane action, this movie is set to redefine the industry’s boundaries.
Cheta Singh Teaser
The official teaser of Cheta Singh movie was released by Saga Studios on their official YouTube channel.
Cheta Singh Trailer
The official trailer of Cheta Singh movie was released by Saga Studios on their official YouTube channel.
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Cheta Singh FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Cheta Singh movie?
A. Cheta Singh movie will be released in 1st September 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Cheta Singh movie?
A. Cheta Singh movie is directed by Ashish Kumar.
Q. Who are the producers of Cheta Singh movie?
A. Cheta Singh movie is produced by Sumeet Singh and Ranjit Singh.
Q. Who is the writer of Cheta Singh movie?
A. Cheta Singh movie is written by Rana Jethuwal.