Challengers is an upcoming romantic sports comedy-drama movie helmed by Luca Guadagnino and penned by Justin Kuritzkes. The film features Zendaya, Josh O’Connor, and Mike Faist in leading roles. The story revolves around a renowned tennis player who decides to participate in a challenger tournament, where he faces off against his wife’s former lover, who also happens to be his coach. Here we have covered everything you need to know about Challengers movie budget and box office collection prediction.
Challengers 2023 Movie Budget
Challengers is anticipated to have a production budget of approximately US $50 million. This indicates the estimated amount of money that the filmmakers have allocated for various aspects of the movie’s production, including but not limited to casting, set design, costumes, special effects, post-production, and marketing.
A budget of this scale suggests that the film aims to deliver a high-quality production with notable production values. The allocation of such a significant budget allows for the possibility of securing top-tier talent, both in terms of the cast and the creative team. Additionally, it suggests that the filmmakers have envisioned a visually appealing and immersive world for the audience, with attention to detail in areas such as set design, costumes, and potentially even elaborate sports sequences.
Also read: Emergency 2023 Movie Release Date, Cast, Budget, Box Office Collection, Plot, Trailer and More
Challengers Box Office Collection Prediction
Challengers is expected to earn around US $100 million at the box office. The film is expected to go past its budget at the box office.